AI Biometrics – Effortless Security

How to stay secure without going crazy

Is it better to have one bodyguard or two? Probably two. But wouldn’t it be even better if they were invisible and didn’t get in the way? We all know that adding more security layers increases our sense of safety, but it also makes accessing our well-protected assets more difficult. We accept this trade-off because we have no other choice. How many times have you tried using your fingerprint or Face ID, only to end up entering the least secure PIN? At Invis, we decided to solve both problems: we implemented two biometric authentication methods and ensured they work seamlessly, continuously, and without user intervention. In other words, you now have two bodyguards with you at all times, reliably safeguarding your security—without ever being noticed. Impossible? Discover how we make it happen at Invis.

Security based on wrist skin and movement analysis

Every human being has unique characteristics—many of them, in fact. Modern technologies increasingly rely on these unique features in identity recognition systems, whether for identification (determining who we are) or identity verification (confirming that we are indeed who we claim to be). Today, almost everyone uses methods like fingerprint authentication, facial recognition, or iris scanning.

At Invis, we went a step further. Our research revealed that identity can be reliably verified based on the unique texture pattern of the skin on the wrist. This texture consists of a distinctive arrangement of tiny “wrinkles” and lines, which are not only unique to every individual but also to different species. Essentially, it is a wristprint.

The second area of our research focused on movement analysis—specifically, the biomechanics of motion. While this method is slightly less precise, it offers exceptional resistance to forgery. Each of us has a unique gait, a characteristic way of typing on a keyboard, or even a specific manner of fastening a watch strap. Our studies have shown that these subtle differences can be effectively used for identity authentication.

Technically, both methods are remarkably simple. Wristprint verification requires a sensor similar to those used in fingerprint scanners. Meanwhile, movement analysis relies on an accelerometer—a common component in smartphones and smartwatches. The key to success lies in artificial intelligence. Our proprietary algorithms process data from these devices to confirm a user’s identity quickly and efficiently.

Why introduce such innovations when fingerprint authentication already works well? First, our system operates automatically, without requiring the user’s conscious participation. Second, it enhances security—fingerprints and facial images are much easier to replicate than wrist skin texture, while an individual’s movement patterns are virtually impossible to forge.

Invis Buckle – Certified security

What’s more, we have managed to integrate this groundbreaking authentication system into a classic butterfly clasp. As a result, simply putting on and fastening the watch—pressing the clasp against the wrist—automatically verifies the user’s identity with an unauthorized access risk of less than 0.075%. But our system doesn’t stop there: authentication continues throughout wear, and removing the watch immediately terminates access.

In tests involving over 1,300 authentication attempts, there wasn’t a single case of unauthorized access, which gives us confidence that our method is at least 99.925% effective. We continue refining our research to push this number even higher. Of course, as with any identity verification system, there can be occasional false rejections, which impact user convenience rather than security. In our case, this happens in fewer than 2.5% of instances1—a highly competitive result, as anyone who uses fingerprint or facial recognition to unlock their phone can attest.

As a result, we offer a classic butterfly clasp that seamlessly fits onto a leather strap or metal bracelet of an elegant watch, preserving its aesthetics while providing top-tier security. This system can secure any NFC-based functionality, such as payments, access control, computer unlocking, or Bluetooth-linked mobile applications. Removing the watch disables the system, preventing payments and access.

Furthermore, our biometric profile remains securely stored on the device itself and is never uploaded to the cloud. And if the device is lost or stolen, it can be located using Google or Apple’s device tracking services.

AI Biometrics – Secure payments and access

In summary, AI Biometrics is a wristwatch clasp-integrated authentication system that scans wrist skin texture and analyzes movement patterns—including gait, typing style, and the way the watch is worn. The system operates in the background, requiring no intentional user actions for authentication. This means that when you approach a payment terminal, you simply pay—without even thinking about authentication. How do you confirm the transaction? You don’t have to—AI Biometrics has already verified you beforehand.

1 The false rejection rate (FRR) of below 2.5% and the false acceptance rate (FAR) of less than 0.075% mentioned above are standard parameters used to characterize identity verification systems. In short, FRR represents the probability of incorrectly rejecting an authorized user, while FAR indicates the probability of incorrectly accepting an unauthorized person.

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